Ownership Transfer of European Patents and European Patent Applications
What are assignments of issued European Patents? An assignment of a European Patent is the act of transferring ownership of the issued European Patent from the assignor to the assignee. Often, the assignment document is simply referred to as the “assignment”. The two parties can be individuals or legal entities. Issued European Patents always need
Ownership Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights in General
What are assignments of Intellectual Property Rights? An assignment is the act of transferring ownership of the Intellectual Property Right from the assignor to the assignee. Often, the assignment document is simply referred to as the “assignment”. The two parties can be individuals or legal entities. Intellectual Property Rights typically need to be assigned on
Patent Marking in Europe – How to protect against “False Marking” claims
What is “marking”? “Marking” is typically understood as indicating on either a package or a product itself a patent number of a patent that covers the product. If the patent has not yet issued, sometimes the term “patent pending” is used, possibly followed by the patent application number. What is “false marking”? As the expression
Implications of the Brexit on European Trademarks (EUTMs)
When will the Brexit actually happen? By the UK indicating officially its withdrawal from the European Union, a 2-year time period for negotiating the terms of such withdrawal is triggered under Article 50 of European Union Agreement. At present, no such withdrawal notice has been made. Although it appears that the UK will actually follow
Implications of the Brexit on Unitary Patents and existing European Patents under the European Patent Convention EPC
When will the Brexit actually happen? By the UK indicating officially its withdrawal from the European Union, a 2-year time period for negotiating the terms of such withdrawal is triggered under Article 50 of European Union Agreement. At present, no such withdrawal notice has been made. Although it appears that the UK will actually follow